Big Google Search Console Feature Wish List for 2024

The Google Search Console is a webmaster’s treasure map, guiding us through the SEO wilderness with invaluable data and insights. Yet, even the most comprehensive map has room for improvement. So, as we set sail into the digital seas of 2024, let’s raise our voices and chart a course for a bolder, more informative Search Console, brimming with features that elevate SEO to new heights.

1. Robots.txt Tester: A Resurrected Hero: Remember the beloved Robots.txt tester, tragically removed in 2023? Its return is a top priority! Imagine simulating your robots.txt directives in real-time, ensuring optimal crawling and avoiding accidental indexing blockades. This feature would be a boon for both seasoned SEOs and those navigating the robots.txt terrain for the first time.

2. Crawl Data Nirvana: We crave deeper insights into Google’s crawl activity! Grant us access to full-fledged crawl stats, including crawled URLs, crawl timings, and detailed error reports. This granularity would empower us to pinpoint crawling bottlenecks, diagnose indexing issues with surgical precision, and optimize our website’s crawl budget like never before.

3. Bard Integration: AI-Powered Insights at Your Fingertips: Imagine an AI-powered assistant within Search Console, analyzing data, suggesting optimizations, and even composing compelling meta descriptions. Bard, Google’s own AI language model, could be seamlessly integrated to offer personalized insights, anticipate SEO trends, and guide us towards data-driven decisions.

4. SERP Feature Segmentation: Unveiling the Hidden Treasures: We yearn to understand how our content performs across various SERP features! Give us the ability to segment data by featured snippets, knowledge panels, People Also Ask boxes, and other SERP elements. This would shed light on content gaps, highlight missed opportunities for featured snippets, and inform targeted optimization strategies for specific SERP features.

5. Data Accuracy: Trust is the New Black: Data discrepancies between Search Console and other tools create SEO confusion and frustration. Prioritizing data accuracy is paramount! Ensure consistent metrics across platforms, implement robust data verification mechanisms, and offer clear explanations for any discrepancies that arise.

6. Time Travel for Rankings: Wouldn’t it be amazing to rewind and replay historical SEO performances? Implement a “time travel” feature that allows us to analyze ranking fluctuations over specific periods. This would enable us to pinpoint the impact of past SEO campaigns, identify algorithm updates that affected our rankings, and gain invaluable insights for future optimization efforts.

7. Multilingual SEO Dominion: For websites catering to global audiences, managing SEO across multiple languages can be a daunting task. Streamline the process by providing dedicated dashboards for each language, with localized keyword data, backlink analysis, and ranking reports. This would empower us to tailor SEO strategies for each language, ensuring optimal visibility in diverse markets.

8. Open Up Tabs!: Multitasking SEO Champions: Juggling multiple Search Console reports can be cumbersome. Allow us to open reports in separate tabs, facilitating seamless comparison and analysis across different data sets. This seemingly simple feature would significantly enhance workflow efficiency and empower us to make data-driven decisions with greater ease.

9. Dumping the Data Deluge: Downloading large datasets from Search Console can be a time-consuming chore. Offer a streamlined data export system that allows us to filter and download specific data segments in various formats (CSV, JSON, etc.). This would save time, improve data handling flexibility, and empower us to analyze data outside the Search Console interface.

10. Subdomain and Folder Freedom: Managing SEO for websites with subdomains or dedicated folders can be a frustratingly segmented experience. Break down these silos! Allow us to track and analyze data for specific subdomains or folders within the main Search Console dashboard. This would provide a holistic view of SEO performance for complex website structures, eliminating the need to switch between multiple properties.

These are just a few of the many features that could transform Google Search Console into a truly revolutionary SEO weapon. By prioritizing data transparency, AI integration, and user-centric functionality, Google can empower us to navigate the ever-evolving SEO landscape with greater confidence and success. So, let’s raise our voices, share our ideas, and continue to shape the future of Search Console together!


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